GDPR Compliance

At Rhymetec we ensure a data management plan is created and active which is a significant step toward GDPR compliance. With comprehensive reports and collaboration between all business areas, IT, management, and corporate legal department we make sure you business is in compliance with the GDPR.

What is GDPR

What is GDPR?

The GDPR is a relatively new set of rules designed to give EU citizens more control over their personal data. Its goal is to simplify the regulatory environment for business so citizens and businesses in the EU can maximize the benefit from the growing digital economy.

The reforms are designed to mitigate the issues that have been created in the world we’re living in now, and brings laws and obligations across Europe on the same playing field as the internet-connected age.

Why GDPR compliance is a good idea

GDPR is seen as a positive step towards addressing privacy concerns in the digital age, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability among organizations handling such data. It is essential for legal compliance, building trust with stakeholders, staying competitive in the global market, mitigating risks, and fostering a culture of data protection within your organization.

How do we do it?

Rhymetec will develop a data privacy program that meets all GDPR control requirements We take into consideration a multitude of factors which include but not limited to:

  1. The storage, transfer, access, and security of electronic information.
  2. Document retention schedules and their implementation
  3. Written proof of compliance
  4. Documentation pertaining to data protection
  5. The type of data that is being stored and transferred
  6. Incorporation of newly-created data
  7. Data accessibility.
data management plan

At Rhymetec we make sure a data management plan is created and active which is a significant step toward GDPR compliance. We collaborate between all business areas, IT, management, and the corporate legal department to create a comprehensive data management plan. Personal data in possession of third-party providers is also a priority we look out for and include within the data management plan, these include cloud service vendors or data archival companies.

premium-tier service - Deliverables from Rhymetec

Deliverables from Rhymetec

Our team is dedicated to delivering premium-tier service to ensure GDPR compliance, from comprehensive data management plans, to fully itemized reports that provide information regarding methodology, findings, potential mitigations, and our recommendations.

Rhymetec specializes in enabling meaningful, real world solutions to the most pressing challenges of the modern enterprise security environment. Assessment and reporting is contextualized to your business sector, and custom-tailored to your specific environment.

Our process is engineered to provide all the data and insights needed for you to make informed decisions and take definitive action.

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