Meet the Team: Memori Hill

Memori HillMeet Memori!

Hello, I’m Memori Hill. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C. I have experienced various different teaching styles throughout my childhood. For example, I’ve attended private school most of my life, but I graduated from a public technology school. I’ve been to boarding school, online school, and home-schooled. I’ve also attended summer school in Jamaica.

Tell us a surprising fact about yourself…

My mom lost her short-term memory while she was pregnant with me, which is why she named me “Memori”

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

If I had a superpower, it would be teleportation, so I could get to places quickly. 

What are some things you enjoy doing outside of work?

I enjoy playing basketball.

Tell us about your role at Rhymetec…

I’ve been working at Rhymetec for three months. My daily responsibilities include providing support to various clients with the common goal of gaining security compliance and/or maintaining security compliance. I enjoy being a part of the Rhymetec team because everyone is supportive, helpful, and we all want to do a great job. 

Why did you pursue a career in the cybersecurity industry?

As I’ve mentioned before, I graduated from a technology high school. I’ve been interested in computers since middle school. I went to Geek Squad camps during most summers. However, it wasn’t until I took my first Honors Computer Science course that I realized I didn’t want to become a programmer. Troubleshooting is a pain and quickly realized that then. After I finished that class, I took a cybersecurity class my junior year in highschool and I loved it. That’s when I decided I would study cybersecurity in college. 

What is your favorite part about working at Rhymetec, or in the cybersecurity industry?

My favorite part about working at Rhymetec is the team and also the opportunities to learn new things and grow. 

What is your favorite quote or the best advice you have ever received?

The best advice I’ve ever received was from one of my highschool coaches. He told me that I have to practice hard because if I practice giving 100%, I will perform at 100% in games. I still keep this in mind, while doing everything. Basically, the amount of effort I put in now will pay off when it’s really game time. 

From a security or compliance perspective, what advice would you give to a potential client or SaaS business?

The best advice I would give to a potential client is to start with your employees! Humans are the biggest security risk. When planning to become compliant in any framework or just wanting to mature your security posture, start with personnel. You are only as strong as your weakest team member. Recurring security awareness training should be mandatory for all employees. Educating and reminding employees of malicious tactics used by cyber attackers will decrease the likelihood of your organization being victim to a security incident. Awareness is key.   


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