Agentnoon’s Year of Notable Growth Backed by Compliance

  • Industry: Management Ops / HR
  • Services and Frameworks: vCISO, SOC 2, ISO 27001

The Company: Agentnoon – Empowering executive leaders amid rapid growth.

A challenge facing any company, regardless of size or maturity, is the ability to manage your workforce in times of rapid growth. When it comes to decision-makers and executives, proper oversight of your people is necessary to maintain sustainable growth. How can you reduce attrition and hire faster, all while accomplishing your business goals?

Agentnoon is a real-time, visual people planning tool for high-growth organizations. When it comes to long-term sustainability, a company’s biggest asset is its employees. For executives and decision-makers, there are limited tools available to help oversee things like headcount planning, performance insights, employee benchmarks, and more. Agentnoon was built to help these business leaders make informed decisions about employees in a simplified and visual way, so executives can present this information to C-Suite executives.


The Challenge: Hitting a wall with compliance.

As a young startup and in the B2B enterprise space, it was a requirement for Agentnoon to achieve compliance and obtain different certifications before they could begin selling to larger companies and subsequently obtaining buy-in from multiple executive stakeholders. Not only was compliance a “blocker” to move their larger sales forward, but the team wanted to move quickly with multiple compliance projects at once without adding extra headcount.

“In the startup world, one year is like ten years when you are going against other established competitors or startups in the market,” said Dave, CTO & Cofounder of Agentnoon. The team was left with two options: wait to hire a security team internally or try to obtain compliance by working with a mix of consultants to connect the dots. Both left them with concerns about timing and bandwidth.


The Solution: Establishing security and compliance in the early stages for Agentnoon.

After successfully working with Rhymetec on an Internal Audit, the vCISO program was a natural fit to help Agentnoon maintain compliance with SOC 2, and achieve their ISO 27001 certification. These are significant milestones for a company less than a year old. Rhymetec helped simplify the compliance journey by gathering all required evidence for the SOC and ISO Audits, and was present for audits by working with the auditor to explain their controls and provide additional evidence.

The Results: Fast results, increased productivity, and new opportunities for Agentnoon.

A small team being responsible for product development, engineering, customer success, sales and cybersecurity, all while trying to establish themselves as a competitive startup—was near impossible and unproductive for the health of the business. By leveraging Rhymetec’s latest vCISO services, Agentnoon was able to lighten this burden in order to move their business forward.

Time: If they wanted to implement an internal security team, the estimated time to reach their goals was about a year or more. Rhymetec was able to quickly help achieve these goals, all while maintaining strong communication with the client to reduce the complexities of the compliance process.

Bandwidth: Most significantly, Agentnoon was able to focus more on the product and sales while Rhymetec led the security and compliance efforts. Time spent outside of products and sales from their internal team would only eat up more resources and funding.

Growth: Achieving SOC 2 and ISO 27001 Compliance allowed Agentnoon to open new doors to business opportunities. Compliance was no longer a “blocker” when starting conversation with enterprise businesses, and in turn this helped to prove the product to stakeholders and receive the customers’ security leaders’ sponsorship necessary to take their business to new heights.

“Rhymetec accelerated our cyber security process by 6 months, saving us realistically a year to a year and a half of achieving compliance.”

– CTO & Co-Founder, Agentnoon