Artificial Intelligence

AI Frameworks: What They Are & Why We Need Them

The advent of generative AI has been a wake-up call for risk management and information technology professionals. GenAI applications have been notably compared to the…

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AI In Security Policies: Why It’s Important And How To Implement

Companies are rapidly adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and deploying it to help with multiple business functions. According to an April 2023 Forbes Advisor survey, 53% of…

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Understanding ISO 42001 Controls: Implementing and Managing Artificial Intelligence Responsibly

ISO 42001 sets the stage for responsibly managing AI systems within organizations. Taken together, ISO 42001 controls and policies represent the first international AI management…

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7 Factors To Consider Before Implementing AI in Your SaaS Company

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been around since before ChatGPT came on the scene, and it has become an essential component of modern business. It has…

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AI in Cyber Defense: Pioneering The Future of Security in 2024

Imagine a large financial institution facing a sophisticated cyberattack. Instead of spending many hours on human analysis to understand and mitigate the danger, an AI-powered…

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