Best Practices

How AI Is Disrupting Our Industry, and What We Can Do About It

An Interview With Metin Kortak, Rhymetec CISO, & Cynthia Corsetti On The Impact of AI. “Have human oversight during AI-assisted development. AI can and is…

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Security Questionnaire From a Customer? What To Expect and How to Answer

So, you’ve just been handed a security questionnaire by a potential customer, and you’re not sure where to start. What is access control? What should…

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Cybersecurity for Startups – A Rhymetec Guide for 2024

You might be wondering – Why would a threat actor bother targeting a startup? Don’t they focus on larger companies?  In 2024, cybersecurity for startups…

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Track These 7 Trends for Proactive Cybersecurity in 2024

It should come as no surprise that cybersecurity threats intensified in 2023. Research shows that 62% of organizations believe their cybersecurity teams are understaffed. As 2024…

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Why Remote Culture Is An Oxymoron, And How To Overcome It

Since the pandemic began, remote work has grown in popularity to the point that many companies now operate remotely. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that…

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Security Policies for Small Businesses: 5 Tips For Effective Communication

Ask any security professional what the biggest risk to organizations is, and nine times out of ten you’ll get the same answer – people.  What…

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Why Managed Security Services? In-House vs External Security

The reason why Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) are an elegant solution for many companies is twofold: They provide specialized experience at scale, enabling organizations…

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How To Select The Right Pen Testing Vendor For Your SaaS Business

Pen testing, or penetration testing, is a cornerstone of security for SaaS businesses. However, companies often overlook its significance, viewing it as “just another expense.”…

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Why A One-Size-Fits-All ‘Compliance’ Plan Can Be Dangerous

Companies across every industry depend more and more on technology to run their businesses, store sensitive data, and carry out essential operations. With the rise…

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When (And How) To Hire The Right vCISO For Your Company

    The role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has emerged as a critical component for businesses of every size. However, not every organization…

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How To Safeguard Your Business Growth Goals With Robust Cybersecurity

Sound cybersecurity goals are critical for businesses of all sizes. According to the 2022 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM, cybersecurity incidents cost…

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Cloud Security In The Age Of Remote Work: Strategies For B2B Success

Cloud storage has become an increasingly practical way to store information, ranging from basic documents and emails to sensitive data such as financial information and…

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